26 weeks tomorrow and It's finally starting to feel like it's going a little faster. I'm really ready for baby to come out already and all I want to do is snuggle with him but I'm pretty darn far and almost in my third trimester so I'll have to be content with that. Even though I feel pretty big right now, looking back has made me realize I'm a lot smaller than I thought I would have been at twenty-six weeks but also that I have a loong way to go. I'm excited for the next couple of months. Finishing the baby room, having a baby shower and getting to see my maternity pictures. Fourteen more weeks to go!

- How far along?: 26 Weeks
- Baby is the size of a: Head of lettuce
- Total weight gain/loss: I'm assuming more than last week so more than 13 =)
- Symptoms: Baby is kicking like crazy and making me a little annoyed.
- Sleep:Pretty good
- Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
- What I miss: Not peeing at night
- Weddings Rings On or Off: On
- Any Names Picked Out Yet: We have one picked.
- Movement: A little too much going on in there. Is he dancing to some music I don't hear?!
- Maternity Clothes: Loving maternity clothes. So comfy. Just found white skinny maternity pants that I've been looking for a while and I'm pumped!
- Labor Signs: I think I might have started some Braxton Hicks... I'll wait to confirm.
- Best Moment of the Week: Finding my white maternity skinny jeans!
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Maternity pictures in less than a week and I actually found a dress I'm super excited about. Mama is gonna look goooood.
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