Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Links To Love

I've hit the jackpot of links on my facebook and strolling through the internets the last couple of days.  Some of these are hilarious and some and just fun to look at.  I thought I'd pile them up for you to enjoy.
I really hope my children are smarter then this.

I love pesto. Every summer I get so excited to grow my own basil and make it at home since it's so expensive to buy. But the last couple of years I've planted it I wait to it to grow, and just when it does it gets super hot around here and it wilts and then I have no pesto and I'm waited all summer!  I saw this recipe and for a second thought about planting some more again this year.... but instead I made my co-worker do it for me and I'll just wait patiently.

I'm super anti swimming in any open body of water for exactly this reason.  I love pools and that's the only place I would swim if I had a choice.

This website is entirely amazing. They have so many DIY projects I can't wait to make for the new house.  How about this jumbo sequin ampersand for the office?  Looks pretty awesome to me!

 I've always wanted to dance like this. This couple is great. Where can you learn this?

Can someone get me a baby goat for Christmas?  I promise I'll kind of take care of it and let Noah do the rest of the work.

When Noah is older and he gets grounded I'm thinking this is a great idea for his to learn a couple of lessons. 

Once upon a time, like in college, my friends would make fun of me when I cried because it was so rare and I was so "tough".  They would snap pictures of me just to say they saw me crying.  It's was a big deal.  Now, I cry almost every day.  Happy and sad, at most sappy videos, movies and TV shows.  When I'm super excited or really tired. Just all the time; I have no idea what happened.   So then I come across this video in an e-mail.  Total waterworks.  No surprise there.

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