Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Bath Paints and Summer Days Off

I've really been slaking over here in the blogging world.  I took an entire week of work just to hang out with the little guy and to get some much needed mom time, and let me tell you, it's been great.  I did a major six hour shopping trip earlier this week all by myself. Got some Starbucks... ate chocolate pastries... ugh, amazing.

I had my sister in law come in for a couple of hours each day so I could get some alone time and it's worked out great.  I'm not sure about other moms, but for me, sometimes it's hard to feel good about leaving your child with someone else just to take time for yourself.  I must say though, finding the right person that you trust is a game changer and something that if possible all moms must do.  It makes taking time away from the little one so much less stressful. 

So, with that, I also caught up on some Orange Is The New Black which I just recently discovered (Amazing! but do not watch with your kids, lol)  and did some really long walking on the treadmill which felt great! Of course I did lots of cleaning and laundry.  It sure does feel nice to be caught up and relaxed once in a while. 

Finally, with some of my extra time, I ventured into Pinterest for some fun Noah activities and decided on some finger bath paint.  I can't say that Noah was super into it at first, but he did warm up to it and ended up going wild in the tub. 

For the life of me I could not find the original recipe, but this one seemed pretty close.  The only change to the first recipe was to just put all the ingredients in a container and mix.  You can use it right away. 

Next up, how about some Clean Mud? Or maybe some Bouncing Bubbles?
And guys, the best part? My vacation is not over yet.  I still have two more days and Jeff and I are celebrating our four year anniversary! <3

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