As I mentioned last week, I was home all this week with Noah and hoping I would get to sleep in... which I did. And let me tell you, it was amazing. Who would have ever thought getting up at 7:30 felt so good? So, Thanks Noah for finally sleeping through the night for the last two weeks. You make me a very happy mom.
- How old is Noah?: 15 Weeks
- Noah is how big?: 17lbs
- Sleep: Same as last week, about 10 hours. We try to wake up around 7:30.
- Milestones: He is talking so much. It's hilarious to just sit in front of him. He will talk to anything and everything. He's also getting really good at rolling from his back to his side. He's mastered the tuck your knees in and turn.
- Baby "Win" of the Week: Honesly, I can't really think of one. That's terrible... or good for me I suppose. This week was great. Noah gets a win because he made mommy happy. =) Noah 1 - Mom&Dad 1
- New Toys/Activities: Fisher Price Superstar Step 'n Play Piano. We've been looking to get something similar to this for a while. Noah's growing out of the bouncer seat and needs something to keep him occupied during times we need to get things done and he's up. So far, he's tolerating it fine. I think at first it was a little scary with so many things going on but after a couple of minutes he started to like it much more. He may be a couple of weeks too young yet, but he will for sure grow into it. The best part is that he should be able to use it for a long time since you can take the seat out when he walks and he can still play with the toys and the keyboard.

- What Mom misses: I think we're gonna discontinue this section too. I think I'm finally back to normal and for the most part not missing much. I will say though one of the reasons for this has been our nice Thursdays when we have my sister in law come babysit for a couple of hours. Makes it really easy to go do something I used to do without Noah.
- Best Moment of the Week: Had a great date with Jeff this week and got to spend some quality time together. Always a good time. =)
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Nothing too exciting coming up. I'm working all this week so getting back to the real world. All weeks can't be exciting. Geez.
We did a lot of playing and rolling on the floor. I made him take pictures with me.
Terrible iphone selfies... but he didn't seem to mind.
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