Three more days and Noah will have been out of my tummy longer that inside. Somehow, pregnancy just goes by so much faster. Being pregnant the first time you don't really realize how great you have it when your baby is inside. Free time, sleep, freedom.... those were the days. I'm finally just starting to really enjoy Noah. He's so much easier than the first couple of months. I'm excited to see what the next nine months holds for him. He's changed so much since he was born - makes me excited to see the change the next nine months brings.
I of course tried to take our usual laying down picture but after shooting at least twenty pictures of Noahs side, back, butt, etc. I decided I might have to retire the laying down and settle for a sitting picture. The kids just moves all over the place and is never still. I constantly have to bribe him with my phone just to get him to look in my direction long enough to take a picture.
- How old is Noah?: 38 weeks
- Noah is how big?: 24ish lbs
- Stats: Size 3-4 diapers | 9 or 12mo clothing | Abs of steel | Stands holding on to objects | Sit to stand | Can finally crawl | throws anything you give him, balls, cups, utensils... |
- Sleep: Sleeping consistently from 7:30pm to 7:30am. Naps three times during the day. A morning, an afternoon (both 1.5-2hrs) and a cat nap (45min)
- Milestones: Nothing really super new. His second tooth has made his way up so both are about half way to the finish. He seems to have stopped the sniffling which has been great. His crawling is getting longer and faster.
- Mom Check-in: I could really use some alone time with the hubster, but work is great and I got a ton of cleaning and laundry done this week which always puts me in a better mood.
- Best Moment of the Week: Yikes... I don't know. Pretty much a normal week around here.
- What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Working on booking a child free, adults only all inclusive resort in May. That's going to be an amazing time. Also, we're looking at a little warmer weather around here. Above freezing so I'll take it!
This week Jeff had the great idea to bring the snow in the house since it's way to cold to bring Noah out. I'm not sure it was his favorite. He really questioned if his hands should even be touching the snow. Of course it's not winter without eating snow so we showed Noah how to do it. Again, I don't think it was his favorite thing, but now he can't say he didn't try it!
those faces he makes! haha. cracking me up!