Saturday, May 31, 2014

Backyard Pool Time and Party Planning

In the span of two weeks around this time of the year we have three birthdays and an anniversary.  That's not to mention maybe graduations, weddings and tri season time.  We are busy this time of the year. There is a lot to do and a lot of fun to have had. Last weekend we celebrated Jeffs birthday with a simple dinner/date out and some yummy dessert. Cherry Lemon Bars on request of the hubby. Of course I rummaged through Pinterest with no luck to get the exact thing he wanted. And I thought, " Doesn't Pinterest just have everything? How could this be?"  So we had to adapt a little. We added juice of two lemons and some lemon zest to the base of the bars.  It worked out great and although I am not usually a fan of non chocolate desserts, this one made the cut.  I would recommend it for sure.

Next weekend we have my birthday, (eek, just another year closer to 30) Noah's birthday the day after, the tri the morning of, and guests arriving to visit.  Slightly worried that something may not get done.  We've made lots of lists. Groceries, To do's, guests lists.... so hopefully we'll get it all together and things will turn out as planned.  In the meantime, and you know, to get a little of the stress out, we've officially let summer into our lives and blew up the kiddy pool.  Noah LOVED it!  He just runs around the edges touching the water not letting his little bum touch the ground. Then when he gets bored he leans over the edge and of course tries to eat the grass. What a life he lives. =)

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Climax, Michigan - Triathlon Season Begins

It was so nice sitting at work on Friday knowing there was a five day weekend ahead.  We're finally back to work today and looking back it seems like we did a ton and yet it was nice and relaxing.  Laundry piles are low, lawn is mowed and the house is clean.  Couldn't be better.  We started our weekend with a visit to Grandmas house and our first triathlon of the season.  It's been just me as the spectator for such a long time it was a game changer bringing Noah along too.  There are a lot of things to think about when you bring a baby along for the ride.  Jeff finished first in his age group and had a top ten finish.  We were happy with the result!

Noah handled the race pretty well too.  It was a lot of time in the stroller but there was a lot for him to see. We ate lots of snacks, played on the grass and in the lake and even finished the race with a nap before going up to get Jeffs' medal.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Week 49

The last two weeks have just flown by so fast. I feel like it's been a giant blur and I'm ready for it to slow down for a second.  We started with a trip to Mexico, which although fun, I was sick the entire time.  We did enjoy the warm weather and the great food, but we just didn't do the trip justice like we should have. It was so nice to see Noah after a couple days away.  We missed him a lot. More than I thought we may. 

This whole last week I've been trying to recover...still.  My ears are all plugged up, I can barely stand without the feeling of being woozy and the coughing is out of control.  Noah has caught a little cough too and we're just trying to hold on a little longer so everyone in the house gets better. Jeff has been a trooper helping with Noah while I'm pretty much useless.

But, regardless of the mess in this house, Noah has been the most fun so far.  We've finally broken him on the constant whining any time he falls while walking.  He's been running all over the house from couch to toy to coffee table and I think he's really enjoying finally being able to move around without our help.  It's been nice for us too.

These weekly pictures just get harder and harder.  I can't seem to keep him still for a second.  It's now become a two person job.  I joked about how easy it was ten months ago and how I would never for a second want to go back. I've given up on having his lay down so I'm sure the next three will be whatever I can get!

  • Stats: Size 3-4 diapers | 12mo or 18mo clothing | Stands holding on to objects | Can sit to stand | Can finally crawl but mostly refuses | Starting to put things together, stacking cups, stacking rings...etc | Walk holding onto objects | Walks on his own pretty well | Sleeps with his butt in the air | major talking going on
  • Sleep: Sleeping consistently from 7:30pm to 7:30am. Naps twice during the day. A morning, an afternoon for about 1.5 hrs.The third nap is pretty much out.  Sometimes it's just quiet time in his crib and that works out fine too.
  • Food: Noah will eat pretty much anything.  Although we still five him purees for some meals, I think it's mostly for our convenience.  Especially breakfast.  Since we're such into cereal, and he really can't use a spoon yet, purees seem to be a nice option.  The rest of the meals though he eats pretty much what we do and loves most foods.
  • Milestones: He's been talking a lot more and it's really just fun to listen too. He really seems to understand some things we say and it's nice to be able to interact back and forth. 
  • Mom Check-In: I'm so over being sick. It's been rough.  I feel like I didn't get what I wanted from my time off but I'm hoping once I get better I'll be able to make it up.

We spent most of the day yesterday lounging around in the back yard and enjoying the warm weather. It's so nice to finally be able to get out of the house.  Noah refused to stop eating the grass so I finally gave in.  Go for it kid!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Home-Made Garlic & Onion Bagel Chips

Have you ever noticed how crazy expensive bagel chips are at the grocery store? What is it about them that they have to hike up the price like that?  They are however pretty amazing and pretty much the only thing that I will eat with my hummus. So I rarely buy them at the store but we do like to make our own and they taste even better than the store version.  So here it goes.
6 Bagels
Olive Oil
Garlic Powder
Onion Powder
Salt & Pepper

You know how I rarely measure things?  Ok, so this is one of them.  Seriously, it's pretty hard to mess up so just eye ball it and I promise they'll turn out great.

1. Turn the broiler on low.
2. Cut the bagels into pieces. In half, then in eighths ish. Again, you can eye ball this one. If you want them extra crispy cut them a little thinner.
3. In a large bowl add your bagel pieces, mix with lots of olive oil to cover the pieces.  Add the rest of the ingredients.  Mix well.
4. Pop on a sheet pan and assemble in one layer.  You may have to do a couple of pans depending on the size of your pans.
5. Pans enter your oven and get nice and tosty for about five minutes. Take out a flip. Put back in oven for another two.  Make sure and watch them so they don't get too brown.
6. Let cool and enjoy with your favorite dip!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

As Promised

First of - check out this view of the sunrise we got to see this morning!
A couple of things:
1. I get up way too early to go to work.  In the winter it is pitch dark when I leave. So terrible.  But in the summer, it's so nice to get to see this for a week or so.
2. I realize this was a way unsafe thing to do, but how could you resist? I'm sure I had a couple of people looking at me like I was crazy.  I promise most of the time I'm a pretty good driver.

Anywho... on to the promised Cinco de Mayo feast which can I say was AmAZing?
I couln't even wait to take a bite before I took the picture.  And this corn... OMG, I don't even know if I'll even be able to go back to eating it without the sauce.  It was supposed to be made with coconut milk but I wont buy a random ingredient if I'm not going to use it again. I made the sauce with:

1/3 C sour cream - juice of one lime - about a teaspoon of chili powder // mix well

When you put it on the corn it kind of solidifies and sticks. Top it with some parmesan cheese and there you've got some easy Mexican Street Corn. You can check out the original recipes here.

Forgive my just out of the shower hair.  This was the only picture we got all night.  We need to get better at this!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Family Weekend Fun

We had such a great family weekend together.  It's nice for both Jeff and I to be done working weekends finally!  Which means we get to all spend time together like normal people.  We took walks around the neighborhood. Made yummy dinners together, grilled out and even had time to try out a guava/cream cheese dessert recipe.  I took a nap too and those are hard to come by. It was nice to relax and enjoy days off work.
Target Pjs
With all the extra time I was able to start packing for our Mexico trip and I'm getting more and more excited just thinking about the warm weather and the lazy days eating all day, and sunning it up.  I'm super excited for the cooking lessons and the yoga and pilates classes.  This is a much needed break for both Jeff and I.

It was still a little chilly around here and although we braved it outside for a while it'll be nice for some warmer weather to come.  Noah is really ready to be outside.  With all the walking he's been doing, there's just not enough room inside for him to run around.  This kid has so much energy!

toADORN jersey top c/o,  aerie leggings (similar)

Finally, you should check out a great new website toADORN - they  feature huge discounts (between 50-80% off!) on trendy boutique fashions.  The best part, you can get 10% of your purchase if you use the code ilovetoadorn at check out. Enjoy!

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