Saturday, January 24, 2015

Childrens Museum and Mommy Day Care

The last couple of days have been pretty much all me and Noah.  Jeff has been working lots of overtime and taking training for work which is pretty much like a college class leaving a lot of quality time for Noah and I to do some fun activities.  On Wednesday we went to the Children's Museum downtown Grand Rapids and spend all morning running around looking at new things.  I pretty much didn't have to do much to entertain Noah and was able to kind of hang out and watch him have fun. This first picture is so funny to me because Noah pretty much kicked out some older girls from this area by doing his own thing and putting random colors in the rainbow.  The girls weren't all too pleased and left.  No worries Noah, you do your own thing!

We spent most of the time in the kitchen of course.  Not really a huge surprise but it was sure nice to have a kitchen that fit him.  He would put the food in the pots and pans and shake them up and take the food back out and do it again.  The other hit of course was the computer which he loved.  Noah is just like his mother for sure.

When we got home it was way past Noah's naptime.  Lucky for me I kept him up on the way back with some snacks, so when we got home he went straight for a nap... and slept three hours.  It made the day go by quick and I think Noah had a great time playing with all the new toys. 

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