Tuesday, February 2, 2016

32 Months

I really meant to do a two and a half year update for Noah but somehow time flew by.  Great mom over here. =)  A little late but I'll document some pictures from the last couple of months. The biggest milestone these last couple of months has been potty training. Overall it went great without too much trouble.  Noah as usual has been a pretty easy and stress free kid.  Cross our fingers he's forever like that.

  • Stats: Size 6 Diapers | 3T-4T clothing
  • Size: 37 lbs | 39in tall
  • Random Notes: Although he's still in diapers at night and naps we're officially potty trained during the days with very rare accidents. I didn't really care that much changing diapers but looking back now it is rather nice that he can go all by himself.  It took about a week during Christmas and he got it pretty quick.  We we're pretty sure he was ready when we started which I'm sure helped. Next step is to move Noah to a twin bed and out of the crib so we can work on potty training at night.  I'm so nervous and honestly just want to put it off though because I do not want to start waking up again in the middle of the night. Ugh.  Other than that, obviously I feel like he's growing up so fast and becoming such a little kid.  It's awesome to see him act like such a grown up.  We love him so much.
  • Mom Check-In: Well, the Fall passed quickly for us and here we are in Winter.  It seems like it's really dragging.  I can't wait for it to start getting more sunny outside and a little warmer so we can get out, but that's feels like forever away.  I'm been sick a ton, which is no fun, and Jeff and I have been working way too much. (Minus our fun trip to Mexico which was a welcomed get-away)  So we're making it through but I'm ready to skip a few months.  Winter just stinks.
  • Looking Forward To: Although I'm nervous as hell to get Noah out of his crib I'm super excited to re-decorate his whole room and start fresh.  I'm been on Pinterest non-stop at work looking for new ideas.  When I asked Noah was color sheets he wanted he said red, so I'm going to let him have some input but I'll be choosing most things on my own.... I mean, it'll probably the last time I get to pick out a room for him anyway.

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