Monday, May 16, 2016

Baby Stoll #2

I've really been putting this of for a while.  Partly because I feel like people would just find out as they saw us, and partly because I've been busy enough in life to worry about other things, but alas, now it's the time.

We're pregnant again!

Things are happening around here like putting together the nursery, and every day life with a belly that we just can't ignore.  It's really going to be more and more obvious as the summer comes and since mostly everyone already knows anyway I figured why not just put it out there.  I'll be doing random updates for the next couple of months but mostly just keeping it on the blog and Instagram (Ccristinat) so if you want to catch up, that'll be the best way.  Oh ya, and I finally got snapchat, lol, (CristinaStoll) worst idea ever because as I thought, I am totally obsessed and I have no time to be obsessed with anything right now but I'm on there and it's hilarious.

So.... surprise!  Kind of.... lol.

So for the basics that people might want to know.  As of today, we're 28 weeks 5 days and officially in my third trimester.  Our official due date is August 3rd although our doctor has told us this baby is measuring way big already and she wouldn't be surprised if we went at least two weeks early.  Cross your fingers.  I'm counting on that.  So hopefully somewhere in mid-July. Oh ya, and it's another boy.

Noah is excited to have a baby sibling although he was pretty bummed to find out it was a boy since we had been calling this bump baby Lizzy since about week 3 and 5days.... we found out pretty early. Join the club kiddo, mommy was also sad - again.  I had about a day of "this sucks", followed by "it wont be that bad, I kind of like Noah a little bit".  Plus although I'm super sad I don't get to buy girl things yet again, really, it's probably the best for our budget.  And really that just means we have to try for number three, right?

In true second kid fashion, I've been slacking on most things... like taking pictures, so here is the last one I took at 26 weeks. We have however gotten the nursery pretty much finished since we kind of kicked Noah out of the crib.  It made it easy to just move his baby furniture to the nursery and get him new stuff.  All we had to do was buy a couple of new things and wash his old clothes and that was that.

We're really excited for number two although in my opinion I feel like we're just living life as normal not really realizing what's about to come.  A toddler will do that to you.  The beginning of pregnancy was pretty miserable for me with lots of throwing up and sickness, none of which I had with Noah. It wasn't until about 22ish weeks that I finally felt better, and at that point I was starting to get big enough to just feel "big" and uncomfortable... so ya.  Maybe not as blissful as the last pregnancy.   With that said, I have worried way less this time around about having a miscarriage.  We still had a hard time getting pregnant and eventually went on Clomed again.  Took us a little longer on the medicine this time around, four months, and I can't say trying was really all that fun since our work schedules are complete opposite and this time we had another child. But we are so grateful to have made it this far either way.

  • How far along?: 28 Weeks almost 29.
  • Baby is the size of a: Eggplant?  That seems small. 13.6-14.8in and 1.5-2.5lbs.  So.. 2.5
  • Total weight gain/loss: +15
  • Symptoms: Lots of movement, lots of pee breaks, sore ginormous boobs, lower back pain.
  • Sleep: Most nights I sleep pretty good as long as Noah sleeps good too.  I survive on 6-7 hours of sleep no problem.  My first-time mom self would have never uttered those words.
  • Anything Making Me Queasy or Sick: Nope.
  • What I miss: Mostly not feeling so big. Maybe taking naps, but again, that's more toddler related than pregnant
  • Weddings Rings On or Off: On
  • Any Names Picked Out Yet: Still nothing.  Unlike last time, this has been much harder.  We have a couple of options but nothing that sticks out for us.
  • Movement: This kid is stronger and crazier than the last.  I'm sure this guy will be a beast and he pretty much hurts my body all day long.
  • Maternity Clothes: Like since week 6.  There is no reason to try and squeeze into anything pre pregnancy.  Although I feel like my body in general has stayed smaller all around my belly is much bigger.  Blame it on the lack of stomach muscles or whatever but the only place I seem to be gaining any weight are my belly and my boobs.  So ya, can't fit into anything not maternity.
  • Labor Signs: Nothing.
  • Best Moment of the Week: Taking our maternity pictures was super fun minus out uncooperative toddler but that's to be expected.  Either way, we love out photographer and she always seems to get anything she needs even though people never look at the camera.
  • What I’m excited about/looking forward to: Well, can we just deliver this baby already!?
So here we are - hopefully less than 10 weeks left!

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